exiguo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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exiguo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "exiguo" refers to something that is small, limited, or insufficient in quantity or size. It is often used in contexts where something is considered inadequate or sparse. It can describe physical dimensions, resources, or even abstract concepts like time or effort.

In terms of frequency of use, "exiguo" is relatively formal and may be more commonly found in written contexts, such as literature, essays, or formal discussions, than in everyday oral conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El espacio en su departamento es exiguo para una familia de cuatro.
  2. The space in their apartment is meager for a family of four.

  3. A pesar de su salario exiguo, intenta ahorrar para el futuro.

  4. Despite his meager salary, he tries to save for the future.

  5. La comida que nos dieron era exiguo y no fue suficiente para todos.

  6. The food they gave us was scanty and not enough for everyone.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "exiguo" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions; however, its concept of limitation and insufficiency can be reflected in various phrases and contexts in Spanish. Below are a few sentences that embody the essence of "exiguo" in different phrases.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Con recursos exiguos, lograron terminar el proyecto a tiempo.
  2. With meager resources, they managed to finish the project on time.

  3. Su apoyo fue exiguo, pero lo apreciamos de todas formas.

  4. His support was scanty, but we appreciated it anyway.

  5. La inversión en educación es exiguo en nuestra región, lo que afecta el futuro de los jóvenes.

  6. The investment in education is insufficient in our region, which affects the future of young people.

  7. El tiempo para preparar el examen fue exiguo, por lo que muchos no lograron aprobar.

  8. The time to prepare for the exam was limited, so many did not manage to pass.


The term "exiguo" originates from the Latin word "exiguus," which means "small" or "scanty." This Latin derivative has evolved into its current form in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms


