exilio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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exilio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Exilio is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Exilio refers to the state of being expelled from one's country or the condition of living away from one’s homeland, often for political reasons. The term is commonly used in both legal and social contexts, frequently appearing in discussions about political asylum, human rights, and historical movements. Exilio is prevalent in written contexts, especially in literature and legal documents, but it can also be used in oral speech, particularly in discussions involving history and politics.

Frequency of Use

The term is relatively common in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in the context of discussing historical and political issues related to dictatorships, civil rights, and the experiences of refugees.

Example Sentences

  1. Muchos escritores han vivido en exilio debido a la represión política en sus países.
  2. Many writers have lived in exile due to political repression in their countries.

  3. El gobierno actual ha creado condiciones difíciles que han llevado a muchos ciudadanos a buscar exilio.

  4. The current government has created difficult conditions that have led many citizens to seek exile.

  5. La historia del exilio en América Latina está marcada por la lucha de los derechos humanos.

  6. The history of exile in Latin America is marked by the struggle for human rights.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word exilio is often used in several idiomatic expressions reflecting the emotional and social implications of being in exile. Here are some examples:

  1. Vivir en el exilio:
  2. Significa estar alejado de la patria, lo que puede ser doloroso.
  3. To live in exile means being far from one's homeland, which can be painful.

  4. Llevar una vida de exilio:

  5. Para muchos, llevar una vida de exilio es un reto constante.
  6. For many, leading a life of exile is a constant challenge.

  7. Regresar del exilio:

  8. Muchos esperan el día en que podrán regresar del exilio a su tierra natal.
  9. Many hope for the day they can return from exile to their homeland.

  10. El exilio forzoso:

  11. El exilio forzoso es una realidad para millones de personas en el mundo.
  12. Forced exile is a reality for millions of people worldwide.

  13. Exilio interior:

  14. Algunos escritores hablan de un exilio interior, que surge del aislamiento emocional.
  15. Some writers speak of an inner exile that arises from emotional isolation.


The word exilio comes from the Latin "exilium", which means "to be out of one's country". Its roots can be traced back to the verb "exilire", meaning to leap out or to spring forth, which indicates the suddenness of being expelled or leaving one's home.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of the term exilio illustrates its significance in various contexts, reflecting its emotional depth and the weight of historical events it represents.
