existir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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existir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Existir is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Existir means to have existence or to be present. In Spanish, it can be used in various contexts to indicate the existence of objects, concepts, or beings. The frequency of use for this verb is quite high in both oral and written forms, as it is a fundamental concept in discussions involving philosophy, legality, and everyday situations.

Example Sentences

  1. Existen muchas teorías sobre el origen del universo.
  2. There are many theories about the origin of the universe.

  3. Es importante que existan leyes que protejan los derechos humanos.

  4. It is important that there are laws that protect human rights.

  5. En el jardín existen varias especies de plantas.

  6. In the garden, several species of plants exist.

Idiomatic Expressions

Existir is not typically used in a vast range of idiomatic expressions, but it can be incorporated into phrases that reflect being or existing in certain conditions or states. Here are some expressions and their meanings:

  1. No existe tal cosa
  2. Literally: "Such a thing does not exist."
  3. Meaning: Used to indicate that something is unrealistic or not true.
  4. Example: No existe tal cosa como una vida perfecta.
  5. Translation: There is no such thing as a perfect life.

  6. Existir es resistir

  7. Literally: "To exist is to resist."
  8. Meaning: Often used to convey the idea that simply existing and continuing to persevere is a form of resistance.
  9. Example: Existir es resistir ante las adversidades.
  10. Translation: To exist is to resist in the face of adversity.

  11. Aunque no lo creas, existen milagros

  12. Literally: "Even if you don’t believe it, miracles exist."
  13. Meaning: Used to suggest that extraordinary events can happen, regardless of skepticism.
  14. Example: Aunque no lo creas, existen milagros en la vida cotidiana.
  15. Translation: Even if you don’t believe it, miracles exist in everyday life.


The verb existir comes from the Latin word existere, which means "to arise, to appear, to come forth." It is formed by the prefix ex-, meaning "out of" or "from" and the root sistere, meaning "to stand."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of the verb existir covers its linguistic attributes, usage in sentences and expressions, etymology, and more, providing a well-rounded perspective on this important term in Spanish.
