experiencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

experiencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word experiencia is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/eks.pe.ɾi.ˈen.θja/ (Spain) or /eks.pe.ˈɾi.en.sja/ (Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Experiencia refers to the knowledge or skill acquired by a person through practical involvement in a particular activity. It can denote both the past events one has lived through and the cumulative knowledge gained over time.

In Spanish, the word is commonly used in various contexts, such as personal, professional, and educational discussions. It has a high frequency of use in both oral and written contexts, particularly in professional settings like job applications or during discussions about education and training.

Example Sentences

  1. Mi experiencia en esta empresa me ha enseñado mucho.
    My experience in this company has taught me a lot.

  2. Necesitamos candidatos con experiencia en el campo de la ingeniería.
    We need candidates with experience in the field of engineering.

  3. La experiencia de viajar por el mundo cambió mi perspectiva de la vida.
    The experience of traveling around the world changed my perspective on life.

Idiomatic Expressions

Experiencia appears in several idiomatic expressions that convey deeper meanings. Here are some examples:

  1. Tener experiencia en algo - To have experience in something.
    Ella tiene experiencia en marketing digital.
    She has experience in digital marketing.

  2. A base de experiencia - Through experience.
    A base de experiencia, aprendí que la práctica mejora las habilidades.
    Through experience, I learned that practice improves skills.

  3. De la experiencia se aprende - One learns from experience.
    De la experiencia se aprende, así que no temas cometer errores.
    One learns from experience, so don't be afraid to make mistakes.

  4. La experiencia es un grado - Experience is a degree (suggesting that experience has value).
    Recuerda que la experiencia es un grado en el mundo profesional.
    Remember that experience is a degree in the professional world.

  5. Experiencia es la madre de la ciencia - Experience is the mother of science.
    La experiencia es la madre de la ciencia; deberíamos valorarla más.
    Experience is the mother of science; we should value it more.


The word experiencia comes from the Latin term experientia, which means "trial" or "experience." This Latin term is derived from experiri, meaning "to test" or "to try," linking the concept of experience to the act of testing and learning through practical engagement.

Synonyms and Antonyms


