experimentado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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experimentado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "experimentado" is an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "experimentado" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:

Translation Options into English

The primary translation of "experimentado" into English is "experienced." Depending on the context, it can also denote someone who is proficient or skilled in a particular field.

Meaning and Usage

The term "experimentado" is used to describe someone who has significant experience, knowledge, or skills in a specific area, often due to practical involvement. It is commonly employed in professional contexts, but can also relate to personal or life experiences.

The frequency of use is relatively high, particularly in written contexts such as job descriptions, professional evaluations, and formal settings where expertise needs to be declared. It can also be used conversationally to describe someone’s life experience.

Example Sentences

  1. "El guía turístico es muy experimentado en su trabajo."
    "The tour guide is very experienced in his job."

  2. "Buscamos un candidato experimentado para el puesto de gerente."
    "We are looking for an experienced candidate for the manager position."

  3. "A través de los años, se ha vuelto un escritor muy experimentado."
    "Over the years, he has become a very experienced writer."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "experimentado" itself may not be part of many idiomatic expressions, the concept of being experienced is often implied in various phrases. Below are some examples that highlight experience:

  1. "A experiencia no hay quien le gane."
    "Experience is unbeatable."
    (Implying that experience is more valuable than anything else.)

  2. "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta; mejor un experto que un novato."
    "He who covers too much holds on to little; better an expert than a novice."
    (Emphasizing the value of experience over inexperience when handling tasks.)

  3. "Con la experiencia, uno aprende a evitar errores."
    "With experience, one learns to avoid mistakes."
    (Highlighting how experience helps in making better decisions.)

  4. "No hay nada como la experiencia para aprender."
    "Nothing beats experience for learning."
    (Stressing the importance of experience in the learning process.)


The word "experimentado" comes from the verb "experimentar," which means "to experience" or "to experiment." The root "-mentado" indicates a past participle form, suggesting completion or proficiency in the action of the verb. Therefore, "experimentado" literally implies one who has undergone experience.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of "experimentado" presents its meanings, uses, and contexts within the Spanish language.
