experto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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experto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Experto is a noun and an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word experto refers to someone who has a high level of knowledge, skill, or competence in a particular field or subject. It is commonly used in both spoken and written forms, though more often in written contexts, especially in academic, professional, and legal writings. Its frequency of use is relatively high, given its application across various domains such as law, medicine, and education.

Example Sentences

  1. El experto en medicina legal fue llamado a testificar en el juicio.
    The expert in forensic medicine was called to testify in the trial.

  2. Ella es una experta en marketing digital y ha trabajado con varias empresas.
    She is an expert in digital marketing and has worked with several companies.

  3. Los expertos en seguridad advierten sobre el aumento de ciberataques.
    Experts in security warn about the increase in cyberattacks.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word experto can also appear in various idiomatic expressions, especially related to proficiency or specialization in certain areas.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Ser un experto en la materia
    To be an expert in the field.
  2. Ella es un experto en la materia de biología molecular.
    She is an expert in the field of molecular biology.

  3. Convertirse en experto
    To become an expert.

  4. Con dedicación y estudio, puedes convertirte en un experto.
    With dedication and study, you can become an expert.

  5. Saber como un experto
    To know like an expert.

  6. Él sabe como un experto sobre la historia del arte.
    He knows like an expert about art history.

  7. Hablar como un experto
    To speak like an expert.

  8. Ella puede hablar como una experta en protocolo diplomático.
    She can speak like an expert in diplomatic protocol.


The term experto comes from the Latin word "expertus," which is the past participle of "experiri," meaning "to try, to test." Its evolution into Spanish retains the essence of a person who has tested or proven themselves in a specific area of knowledge or skill.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - especialista (specialist) - conocedor (knowledgeable person) - autoridad (authority)

Antonyms: - inexperto (inexperienced) - novato (novice) - principiante (beginner)

This comprehensive breakdown provides insight into the usage, meaning, and relevance of the term experto in various contexts in the Spanish language.
