The verb "exportar" means to send goods or services to another country for sale. It is frequently used in the context of international trade. In the Spanish language, "exportar" is commonly used in both written and oral contexts related to economics, business, and commerce. The frequency of use may vary, but it is particularly prevalent in documents, discussions, and reports pertaining to imports and exports.
Companies must export their products to grow in the international market.
El gobierno ha implementado nuevas políticas para facilitar la exportación.
The government has implemented new policies to facilitate exportation.
Para garantizar el suministro, necesitamos aprender a exportar alimentos de manera eficiente.
The word "exportar" is not highly featured in idiomatic expressions; however, it is often used in phrases related to trade, international relations, and economics. Here are some sentences that incorporate "exportar" along with related expressions:
In a global economy, it is essential to know how to export not only products but also ideas.
Exportar bienes de calidad puede abrir muchas puertas a nuevas oportunidades en el extranjero.
Exporting quality goods can open many doors to new opportunities abroad.
El éxito de una empresa a menudo depende de su capacidad para exportar eficazmente.
The success of a company often depends on its ability to export effectively.
Nos hemos especializado en exportar tecnología, lo que nos ha dado una ventaja competitiva.
We have specialized in exporting technology, which has given us a competitive advantage.
Para poder exportar, es crucial entender las regulaciones internacionales.
"Exportar" comes from the Latin word "exportare," where "ex-" means "out of" and "portare" means "to carry." The term reflects the action of carrying goods out of a country.