expositivo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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expositivo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "expositivo" is an adjective that describes something that is used to explain, clarify, or describe a subject or content in detail. It is often used in academic and formal contexts, particularly in writing and presentations. The term is relatively common in both written and oral forms, especially in environments like education, law, and academia.

Frequency of Use

"Expositivo" is frequently used in written contexts, such as essays, reports, and legal documents. However, it is also applicable in verbal communication when discussing topics that require explanation or clarity.

Example Sentences

  1. El autor escribió un capítulo expositivo sobre la historia del derecho.
    The author wrote an expository chapter on the history of law.

  2. La presentación fue muy expositiva y ayudó a entender mejor el tema.
    The presentation was very explanatory and helped better understand the subject.

  3. En su ensayo, utilizó un enfoque expositivo para analizar la obra literaria.
    In his essay, he used an expository approach to analyze the literary work.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "expositivo" itself may not be a part of well-known idiomatic expressions, it is often paired with other words or phrases to indicate the nature of descriptions or explanations within different contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. Un análisis expositivo requiere claridad y precisión.
    An expository analysis requires clarity and precision.

  2. Es fundamental ofrecer un discurso expositivo en una conferencia académica.
    It is essential to provide an expository speech at an academic conference.

  3. La evaluación expositiva permite a los estudiantes comprender mejor los conceptos.
    The expository evaluation allows students to better understand the concepts.

  4. Necesitamos un informe expositivo que detalle todos los hallazgos.
    We need an expository report detailing all findings.

  5. Un ensayo expositivo debe estar bien estructurado para ser efectivo.
    An expository essay must be well-structured to be effective.


The word "expositivo" is derived from the Latin "expositivus," which means "to set forth" or "to explain." This Latin root itself comes from the verb "exponere," meaning "to put forth" or "to explain."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This information provides a comprehensive overview of the term "expositivo" in Spanish, highlighting its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, and linguistic roots.
