expresivo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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expresivo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "expresivo" refers to someone or something that effectively communicates emotions, thoughts, or ideas. It is derived from the verb "expresar," meaning "to express." In the Spanish language, "expresivo" is often used to describe people, actions, or art forms that convey strong emotions or sentiments. The term is quite versatile and can be utilized in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in discussions about art, performance, literature, and emotional communication.

Frequency of Use

The word is relatively frequent in everyday conversations, particularly in discussions about artistic expressions, acting, and emotional intelligence.

Example Sentences

  1. Su estilo de baile es muy expresivo y capta la atención del público.
  2. His dance style is very expressive and captures the audience's attention.

  3. Ella es una persona muy expresiva, siempre muestra sus emociones abiertamente.

  4. She is a very expressive person, always showing her emotions openly.

  5. El arte en esta galería es extremadamente expresivo y conmovedor.

  6. The art in this gallery is extremely expressive and moving.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Expresivo" can also appear in various idiomatic expressions, emphasizing emotional expression or communication.

  1. Ser muy expresivo - Cuando él habla de sus sentimientos, realmente es muy expresivo.
  2. When he talks about his feelings, he is really very expressive.

  3. Tener un rostro expresivo - Su rostro es tan expresivo que no necesita palabras para comunicar sus pensamientos.

  4. His face is so expressive that he doesn't need words to communicate his thoughts.

  5. Gesto expresivo - A veces, un gesto expresivo habla más que mil palabras.

  6. Sometimes, an expressive gesture speaks more than a thousand words.

  7. Arte expresivo - El arte expresivo puede tocar el corazón y provocar profunda reflexión.

  8. Expressive art can touch the heart and provoke deep reflection.


The term "expresivo" comes from the Latin "expressivus," which is derived from the verb "exprimere," meaning "to press out" or "to express." It traces a connection to the idea of bringing forth emotions or thoughts outwardly.

Synonyms and Antonyms


