extenderse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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extenderse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "extenderse" means to stretch out, spread out, or increase in length or surface area. It can refer to physical objects or abstract concepts, like ideas or emotions. The word is commonly used in both spoken and written Spanish, although it may appear more frequently in written contexts such as literature, academic texts, and formal communication.

Frequency of Use

"Extenderse" is a relatively common verb in the Spanish language, especially in contexts where there is a need to describe spatial orientation or the spread of information. It is used frequently in day-to-day conversation and in various domains.

Example Sentences

  1. El río tiende a extenderse en la temporada de lluvias.
    The river tends to extend during the rainy season.

  2. Las flores comenzaron a extenderse por todo el jardín.
    The flowers started to spread out all over the garden.

  3. Su influencia se empieza a extenderse más allá de la ciudad.
    His influence is beginning to extend beyond the city.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Extenderse" can be a part of idiomatic expressions in Spanish.

  1. Extenderse como la pólvora.
    To spread like wildfire.
  2. Se dice que las noticias se extienden como la pólvora en una comunidad pequeña.
    It is said that news spreads like wildfire in a small community.

  3. Extenderse hasta el infinito.
    To extend to infinity.

  4. Sus sueños de viajar se extienden hasta el infinito.
    His dreams of traveling extend to infinity.

  5. No extenderse demasiado.
    Not to stretch oneself too thin.

  6. Debes aprender a no extenderte demasiado con tus compromisos.
    You should learn not to stretch yourself too thin with your commitments.

  7. Extenderse las manos.
    To reach out one’s hands.

  8. Durante la crisis, la comunidad tuvo que extenderse las manos para ayudar a los necesitados.
    During the crisis, the community had to reach out its hands to help those in need.


"Extenderse" derives from the Latin word "extendere," which is composed of "ex-" (meaning "out" or "from") and "tendere" (meaning "to stretch"). This etymological background emphasizes the action of stretching or spreading out.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ampliarse (to enlarge) - Expandirse (to expand) - Dispersarse (to disperse)

Antonyms: - Reducirse (to reduce) - Encogerse (to shrink) - Limitarse (to limit oneself)
