extenuar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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extenuar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "extenuar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is: /eks.te.nuˈaɾ/

Translation Options into English

"Extenuar" can be translated into English as: - To extenuate - To weaken - To diminish - To tire out

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "extenuar" means to cause someone to become tired or weakened, either physically or emotionally. It often conveys the idea of exhausting or wearing out someone, and it can also refer to lessening the severity of something, such as a situation or behavior.

In terms of frequency, "extenuar" is less common than many other verbs and is often used in more formal contexts. It appears more frequently in written language than in everyday spoken Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. Me siento extenuar después de correr tanto.
  2. I feel extenuated after running so much.

  3. El calor pudo extenuar a los participantes de la carrera.

  4. The heat could extenuate the participants of the race.

  5. Intenté explicar la situación para extenuar su culpa.

  6. I tried to explain the situation to extenuate his guilt.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Extenuar" is not frequently found in established idiomatic expressions, but the concept of weakening or exhausting can manifest in some phrases where similar verbs are used. Here are a few examples incorporating related terms:

  1. Estoy tan cansado que podría extenuar a un caballo.
  2. I’m so tired that I could extenuate a horse.

  3. Las críticas constantes lo están extenuando emocionalmente.

  4. The constant criticisms are emotionally extenuating him.

  5. Las largas horas de trabajo pueden extenuar incluso al más fuerte.

  6. Long working hours can extenuate even the strongest person.

  7. La falta de descanso extenúa no solo el cuerpo, sino también la mente.

  8. Lack of rest extenuates not just the body, but also the mind.


The term "extenuar" originates from the Latin verb "extenuare," which means "to make thin" or "to weaken." This Latin term combines the prefix "ex-" (out of) with "tenuare" (to make thin), reflecting the original meaning of diminishing or lessening something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Debilitar (to weaken) - Agotar (to exhaust) - Fatigar (to tire)

Antonyms: - Fortalecer (to strengthen) - Revitalizar (to revitalize) - Animar (to encourage)

This comprehensive overview captures the essence and usage of the word "extenuar" in the Spanish language.
