The word "externo" in Spanish refers to something that is located or happening outside or outwardly relative to a particular area, organization, or context. It is commonly used in general contexts as well as in legal and medical terminologies.
In everyday Spanish, "externo" is frequently used in both written and oral speech, pertained to describing something that is external or outside of a specified place or thing.
El consultorio tiene un área externa para los pacientes.
"The clinic has an external area for patients."
La auditoría externa se llevará a cabo el próximo mes.
"The external audit will take place next month."
Necesitamos un proveedor externo para gestionar los recursos.
"We need an external provider to manage the resources."
"Externo" is not commonly used in traditional idiomatic expressions as standalone, but it may be part of specific phrases, especially in technical contexts. Here are a few phrases where "externo" fits into a certain context:
Este proyecto se encuentra dentro del marco externo de las políticas gubernamentales.
"This project is within the external framework of government policies."
Relaciones externas - "External relations"
Las relaciones externas de la empresa son fundamentales para su crecimiento.
"The external relations of the company are essential for its growth."
Evaluación externa - "External evaluation"
"Externo" comes from the Latin word "externus," meaning "outside" or "outer." The prefix "ex-" means "out" or "from," while "-ternus" relates to "turning" or "positioning," thereby encompassing the notion of being situated outside of something.
Fuera (in the context of outside)