The word "extravagante" in Spanish describes something that is overly elaborate, excessive, or outside the norm, often in a way that is considered flamboyant or peculiar. It can refer to people, behaviors, styles, or objects that stand out due to their unusual or excessive nature. The term has a neutral connotation but can carry negative implications if used to criticize someone's lack of restraint.
"Extravagante" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts; however, it might appear more in literary or formal situations when describing art, fashion, and lifestyles.
Su estilo de vestir es muy extravagante, siempre llama la atención.
His dressing style is very extravagant; he always draws attention.
La decoración de la fiesta fue tan extravagante que todos se quedaron sorprendidos.
The decoration of the party was so extravagant that everyone was left astonished.
Lo que más me gustó de la película fue su historia extravagante y llena de giros inesperados.
What I liked most about the movie was its extravagant story full of unexpected twists.
The term "extravagante" often appears in various idioms to convey different meanings related to excess and peculiarity. Here are some example sentences:
Vivir de forma extravagante te puede llevar a problemas financieros.
Living in an extravagant way can lead you to financial problems.
A veces, su comportamiento extravagante es solo una manera de llamar la atención.
Sometimes, his extravagant behavior is just a way to get attention.
No hay nada de malo en ser extravagante, siempre y cuando te sientas cómodo contigo mismo.
There’s nothing wrong with being extravagant as long as you feel comfortable with yourself.
Aunque su idea era extravagante, estaba segura de que funcionaría.
Even though her idea was extravagant, she was sure it would work.
El arte extravagante de este pintor no es del gusto de todos, pero es innegablemente original.
This painter's extravagant art isn’t to everyone’s taste, but it is undeniably original.
The word "extravagante" originates from the Latin "extravagans," which means "wanderer" or "out of the way." It comprises the prefix "extra-" meaning "outside" or "beyond" and the root "vagans," from "vagari," meaning "to wander." Thus, it inherently implies a sense of divergence from conventional paths or norms.
Synonyms: - Eccéntrico (eccentric) - Rimbombante (bombastic) - Lujoso (luxurious)
Antonyms: - Moderado (moderate) - Sencillo (simple) - Templado (restrained)