facha - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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facha (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word facha is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In modern Spanish, particularly in colloquial contexts and in Mexico, facha typically refers to someone who exhibits fascist tendencies or is perceived as having far-right political views. The term is often used in a derogatory manner to describe someone seen as authoritarian or intolerant.

The word can also sometimes refer to someone who is overly stylish or concerned with their appearance, but this usage is more archaic and less common today.

Frequency of Use: - It is used more frequently in oral speech, especially in political discussions or debates among younger generations.

Example Sentences

  1. "No me hables con un facha, prefiero discutir con alguien razonable."
    (“Don’t talk to me with a fascist; I’d rather discuss with someone reasonable.”)

  2. "Su forma de pensar es demasiado facha para mi gusto."
    (“His way of thinking is too fascist for my taste.”)

  3. "El facha de la clase siempre tiene opiniones extremas."
    (“The fascist in the class always has extreme opinions.”)

Idiomatic Expressions

While facha itself may not be a predominant part of many idiomatic expressions, it fits into some broader phrases that reflect attitudes towards political ideologies or stylistic portrayals:

  1. "A facha no falta en la política, siempre aparece."
    (“You can always find a fascist in politics; they always appear.”)

  2. "No te vistas de facha si no quieres críticas."
    (“Don’t dress like a dandy if you don’t want criticism.”)

  3. "La derecha política siempre tiene su facha lista."
    (“The political right always has its fascist ready.”)

  4. "En una discusión, evité el facha, me fue mejor."
    (“In a discussion, I avoided the fascist; I did better.”)


The term facha derives from the Spanish word fascista, which comes from the Italian word fascista, relating to the Fascist political movement founded in Italy in the early 20th century. Over time, it has evolved into a colloquial term to refer not just to members of that political ideology, but to anyone perceived to share its characteristics.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Fascista (fascist) - Autoritario (authoritarian)

Antonyms: - Demócrata (democrat) - Libertario (libertarian)
