The verb "facturar" means to prepare and issue invoices or bills for goods or services provided. It is commonly used in the context of business transactions, accounting, and finance. The frequency of use is considerable, especially in written contexts such as invoices, financial documents, and contract agreements. It is also used in oral communication among professionals in the business sector.
"Voy a facturar todos los pedidos de este mes."
"I am going to invoice all the orders from this month."
"La empresa necesita facturar las ventas antes de fin de mes."
"The company needs to bill the sales before the end of the month."
"Por favor, asegúrate de que todas las facturas estén correctas antes de facturar."
"Please make sure that all the invoices are correct before billing."
"Facturar" can occasionally be part of idiomatic expressions or phrases commonly used in business settings. Here are some related expressions:
Example: "Necesitamos facturar a nombre de la empresa para la que trabajamos."
"We need to invoice in the name of the company we work for."
"Facturar por un servicio"
"To bill for a service"
Example: "Voy a facturar por el servicio de consultoría que presté la semana pasada."
"I am going to bill for the consulting service I provided last week."
"No facturar"
"Not to invoice"
Example: "Es un error no facturar los gastos de viaje."
"It is a mistake not to invoice travel expenses."
"Facturar pronto"
"To invoice soon"
The word "facturar" derives from the Latin root "factura," which means 'a making' or 'a production', often associated with documents or receipts in the context of commerce. The root "facere" translates to 'to do' or 'to make', further reflecting its meaning related to creating invoices.