faena - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

faena (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

How the Word is Used
The word "faena" is commonly used in the Spanish language. It is typically used more in oral speech than in written context, particularly in colloquial and everyday conversations.

Example Sentences
1. ¿Terminaste la faena de limpiar el jardín?
Did you finish the task of cleaning the garden?

  1. Mi abuelo solía contarme historias de sus días de faena en el campo.
    My grandfather used to tell me stories about his days of work in the fields.

Idiomatic Expressions
"Feliz como una lombriz"
Translated: Happy as a clam.
- Estaba feliz como una lombriz cuando le dieron el ascenso en el trabajo.
He was happy as a clam when he got the promotion at work.

"Salir de faena"
Translated: To finish a task or job.
- Ya salí de faena con todas las tareas escolares.
I finished all the school tasks.

"Hacer la faena"
Translated: To do a job.
- Tenemos que hacer la faena de organizar la biblioteca.
We have to do the job of organizing the library.

The word "faena" comes from the Latin "faciēs" meaning "work, deed, or feat." It evolved over time in Spanish to specifically mean a task or a job to be done.

Synonyms and Antonyms - Synonyms: tarea (task), trabajo (work), labor (labor), cometido (assignment) - Antonyms: descanso (rest), ocio (leisure), holganza (idleness), relajo (slackness)