falocripsis - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

falocripsis (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription




Falocripsis is a medical term that refers to the physical shifting or displacement of the penis. This term is used in the medical field to describe an abnormal condition where the penis moves from its normal position. The word is used in specialized medical contexts and is not commonly heard in everyday conversations.


  1. La falocripsis es un síntoma poco común que puede requerir tratamiento médico.
    Translation: Phallocripsis is a rare symptom that may require medical treatment.

  2. El médico diagnosticó al paciente con falocripsis androgénica.
    Translation: The doctor diagnosed the patient with androgenic phallocripsis.

Idiomatic Expressions


The term falocripsis is a compound word derived from the Greek roots "phallos" (phallus, penis) and "kriptein" (to hide, to conceal).

Synonyms and Antonyms