Usage: The word "faringosclerosis" is used in the Spanish language, particularly in the field of medicine.
Frequency: It is not a very common term and is typically encountered in written medical contexts rather than in oral speech.
Example sentences
La faringosclerosis es una condición que puede causar dificultad para tragar.
Translation: Pharyngosclerosis is a condition that can cause difficulty swallowing.
En la faringosclerosis, se produce un endurecimiento anormal de la garganta.
Translation: In pharyngosclerosis, there is an abnormal hardening of the throat.
Idiomatic expressions
In the medical domain, "faringosclerosis" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions.
The term "faringosclerosis" comes from the combination of "faríngeo" (pharyngeal) and "esclerosis" (sclerosis), referring to the abnormal hardening of tissues in the pharynx.