Fascinar is a verb.
The verb fascinar means to strongly attract or hold the interest of someone; it conveys a sense of enchantment or deep interest. In Spanish, it can be used in various contexts, whether referring to people, things, or experiences that evoke wonder or admiration. Its frequency of use is moderate, often employed in both oral and written contexts, although it might be more common in written form such as in literature or formal discussions about interests.
Music can fascinate many people.
Me fascina la manera en que ella pinta.
I am fascinated by the way she paints.
Los documentales sobre la naturaleza siempre me han fascinado.
Fascinar is not exclusively part of many idiomatic expressions, but it can be used in several contexts, often concerning attraction or strong emotion. Here are some examples of informal phrases and sentences in which fascinar can appear:
I am fascinated by modern art; it feels like a breath of fresh air in life.
La historia siempre me ha fascinado, especialmente los eventos misteriosos.
History has always fascinated me, especially mysterious events.
Los viajes me fascinan; cada destino es una nueva aventura.
Travel fascinates me; every destination is a new adventure.
Ella siempre tiene historias fascinan tes que contar en las reuniones.
She always has fascinating stories to tell at gatherings.
La tecnología actual me fascina; no puedo creer lo rápido que avanza.
The word fascinar comes from the Latin fascinare, which means to enchant or bewitch, derived from fascinus (charm, enchantment) and is related to the act of casting a spell or captivating someone's attention.