fiabilidad de mapa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

fiabilidad de mapa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

[fjabilidáð ðe]


Map reliability / Map accuracy


"Fiabilidad de mapa" refers to the reliability or accuracy of a map. It is commonly used in the field of geography to assess how dependable a map is in terms of representing geographic features accurately. This phrase is more commonly used in written contexts, such as academic articles, research papers, or reports related to cartography or geography.

Example Sentences

  1. La fiabilidad de mapa es crucial para la navegación en terrenos desconocidos. (Map reliability is crucial for navigation in unknown terrains.)
  2. Los geógrafos trabajan constantemente en mejorar la fiabilidad de mapas topográficos. (Geographers are constantly working on improving the reliability of topographic maps.)

Idiomatic Expressions

There are no commonly used idiomatic expressions with the phrase "fiabilidad de mapa."


The word "fiabilidad" comes from the Spanish word "fiar," which means "to trust" or "to rely on," and the suffix "-bilidad," which indicates "ability" or "capability." The word "mapa" originated from the Latin word "mappa," originally meaning "cloth" or "napkin," which evolved to refer to a representation of geographical features.

