fibra acelerante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

fibra acelerante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription

/fiβɾa aθeleˈɾante/

Translation options


Definition: "Fibra acelerante" refers to a type of fiber that is used in medicine to speed up a certain process or action within the body, such as digestion or wound healing. It is commonly found in various nutritional supplements or medical products.

Usage: This term is mostly used in the field of medicine and healthcare, both in written and oral contexts.

Frequency of use: It is a somewhat technical term and is more frequently used in written medical documents or product labels, but it can also be heard in oral discussions among healthcare professionals or individuals with medical conditions that require such products.


  1. La fibra acelerante presente en este suplemento ayuda a mejorar la digestión.
    Translation: The accelerating fiber in this supplement helps improve digestion.

  2. Es importante consumir alimentos ricos en fibra acelerante para una pronta recuperación.
    Translation: It is important to consume foods rich in accelerating fiber for a quick recovery.

Idiomatic Expressions

Expanding on the idiomatic expressions related to "fibra acelerante":

  1. Tomar fibra acelerante en ayunas.
    Translation: To take accelerating fiber on an empty stomach.

  2. Me recetaron un producto con fibra acelerante para mejorar mi metabolismo.
    Translation: I was prescribed a product with accelerating fiber to improve my metabolism.

  3. Es recomendable ingerir fibra acelerante junto con líquidos.
    Translation: It is advisable to ingest accelerating fiber along with liquids.

  4. La fibra acelerante contribuye a una mejor absorción de los nutrientes.
    Translation: Accelerating fiber contributes to better absorption of nutrients.


The term "fibra acelerante" combines "fibra" which means fiber in Spanish, and "acelerante" which comes from the verb "acelerar" meaning to accelerate. The combination of these words reflects the purpose of this type of fiber in speeding up certain processes in the body.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Fibra digestiva (Digestive fiber) - Fibra promotor de cicatrización (Healing-promoting fiber)

Antonyms: - Fibra ralentizante (Slowing fiber) - Fibra normal (Regular fiber)