fideicomiso definido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

fideicomiso definido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:

Noun phrase

Phonetic Transcription:

/fideikoˈmiso deˈ

Usage in Spanish Language:

"Fideicomiso definido" is a term commonly used in legal contexts in Spanish. It is mainly used in written documents, such as legal contracts, agreements, and statutes.


  1. El fideicomiso definido se estableció para administrar los bienes heredados por los menores.
    (The defined trust was set up to manage the assets inherited by the minors.)

  2. El abogado explicó los detalles del fideicomiso definido a sus clientes.
    (The lawyer explained the details of the defined trust to his clients.)

Idiomatic Expressions:


In legal contexts, the term "fideicomiso definido" is not part of an idiomatic expression per se but is crucial in understanding the specific type of trust being discussed. However, in everyday language, the term "fideicomiso" is often used in idiomatic expressions to convey trust, reliability, or confidence.


  1. Tener fideicomiso en alguien
    (To trust someone)

  2. Fideicomiso ciego
    (Blind trust - where the trustee has full discretion on how to manage the assets without the beneficiary's knowledge)

  3. Romper el fideicomiso
    (To break trust)


The word "fideicomiso" comes from the Latin "fideicommissum," which is composed of "fides" (faith, trust) and "committere" (to entrust). "Definido" comes from the Latin "definitus," meaning defined or determined. Therefore, "fideicomiso definido" refers to a clear and specified trust arrangement.

Synonyms and Antonyms: