filón-capa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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filón-capa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/fiˈlon ˈ


Filón-capa can be translated into English as "vein-layer".


The term "filón-capa" is commonly used in geology to refer to a layer of rock that contains a mineral deposit or ore, usually in the form of a vein. It is used more in written contexts, particularly in scientific texts and geological reports.


  1. En esta región, los geólogos descubrieron un importante filón-capa de oro. (In this region, geologists discovered an important gold vein-layer.)
  2. El filón-capa de este yacimiento minero es uno de los más ricos de la zona. (The vein-layer of this mining deposit is one of the richest in the area.)

Idiomatic Expressions


The term "filón-capa" is a compound word formed by "filón" (vein) and "capa" (layer). It comes from Latin roots, where "filum" means "thread" or "vein," and "cappa" means "layer" or "cloak."

Synonyms and Antonyms