fileteado trapezoidal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

fileteado trapezoidal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/fiˈleteaðo tɾapezoˈiðal/

Usage in Spanish

The term "fileteado trapezoidal" is a technical term used within the field of polytechnical studies. It is a specific shape that is often discussed in the context of geometry or engineering. Due to its technical nature, this term is more commonly used in written contexts rather than in oral speech.


  1. El diseño de la nueva estructura incluye un fileteado trapezoidal en su base. Translation: The design of the new structure includes a trapezoidal filleting on its base.

  2. Para este proyecto, es esencial que la pieza tenga un borde fileteado trapezoidal. Translation: For this project, it is essential that the piece has a trapezoidal filleted edge.

Idiomatic Expressions

1. "Estar en el filo del filete" - Translation: To be on edge. - Example: Después de la discusión, la situación estaba en el filo del filete. Translation: After the argument, the situation was on edge.

2. "A filete" - Translation: Perfect, just right. - Example: La cena estuvo a filete, todo estaba delicioso. Translation: The dinner was perfect, everything was delicious.


Synonyms and Antonyms