"Finura" is a noun in Spanish.
The phonetic transcription of "finura" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /fiˈnuɾa/.
"Finura" refers to the quality of being fine or delicate. It can convey notions of subtlety and refinement, whether in a material sense (like texture or quality) or in the context of manners and social behavior. The term is used in both written and spoken Spanish, but it can often be found more frequently in written contexts, especially in literature or formal discussions where nuances are significant.
La finura de la tela hacía que el vestido fuera muy elegante.
The fineness of the fabric made the dress very elegant.
Su finura en el trato con los demás le ganaba muchos amigos.
Her subtlety in dealing with others earned her many friends.
La finura de su análisis fue fundamental para entender el problema.
The refinement of her analysis was essential to understand the issue.
"Finura" is not only a standalone term but can also appear in various idiomatic expressions. Below are examples where "finura" is utilized.
Con finura
Se necesita actuar con finura para resolver conflictos delicados.
It is necessary to act with subtlety to resolve delicate conflicts.
De finura
La conversación fue de finura, evitando temas polémicos.
The conversation was refined, avoiding controversial topics.
Finura en el trato
La finura en el trato es esencial en el servicio al cliente.
Refinement in dealing with customers is essential in customer service.
Con gran finura
El artista pintó el retrato con gran finura, capturando cada detalle.
The artist painted the portrait with great finesse, capturing every detail.
De manera fina
Hizó la crítica de manera fina, sin ofender a nadie.
He made the criticism in a subtle manner, without offending anyone.
The term "finura" originates from the Latin word "fīnis," meaning "end" or "limit," which relates to the idea of something being delicate or fine as having reached a certain standard of quality or refinement. The suffix "-ura" is often used in Spanish to form nouns.
In summary, "finura" encompasses the ideas of elegance and subtlety in various contexts, providing a rich semantic field in both expressive and practical usage in the Spanish language.