flamenco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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flamenco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Flamenco is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/flɑˈmeŋkoʊ/ (for American English)
/flaˈmeŋko/ (for Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "flamenco" primarily refers to a rich cultural genre that encompasses music, dance, and singing originating from the Andalusian region of Spain, particularly among the Roma community. It is characterized by passionate guitar playing, intricate footwork, and expressive emotional performance. The frequency of use of the word "flamenco" is high in music and dance contexts, particularly in Spanish-speaking countries, and it is commonly used in both oral and written formats.

Example sentences: 1. El flamenco es un arte que refleja la cultura española.
Flamenco is an art that reflects Spanish culture.

  1. Quiero aprender a bailar flamenco el próximo verano.
    I want to learn to dance flamenco next summer.

  2. La música flamenca siempre me ha emocionado.
    Flamenco music has always moved me.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "flamenco" itself may not have many idiomatic expressions, it is often involved in phrases related to dance and music. Expressions that convey passion, artistry, and cultural identity can commonly reference flamenco. Here are a few examples:

  1. Bailar al son del flamenco es una forma de vida.
    Dancing to the rhythm of flamenco is a way of life.

  2. La pasión del flamenco se siente en cada nota.
    The passion of flamenco is felt in every note.

  3. El duende del flamenco es inigualable.
    The spirit of flamenco is unparalleled.


The word "flamenco" is believed to have its roots in the Arabic language, possibly deriving from "felah-mengus," meaning "peasant" or "farmer." This reflects the fusion of cultures that has shaped flamenco, as it also incorporates influences from Andalusian folklore, Romani music, and Moorish sounds.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Baile español (Spanish dance) - Música andaluza (Andalusian music)

Antonyms: - (There are no direct antonyms as flamenco represents a unique cultural expression, but one could denote types of music or dance that do not share its characteristics, such as "ballet" or "pop music.")
