flexibilidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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flexibilidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Flexibilidad" refers to the quality of being flexible, both in a physical or metaphorical sense. In general contexts, it indicates the ability to bend or change easily without breaking. In medicine, it can refer to the flexibility of muscles and joints. Within a polytechnical context, it might relate to adaptability in processes or technologies. Nautically, it can describe the flexibility of a vessel or its sails. The term is commonly used in both oral and written communications and has a high frequency of use due to its applicability across various domains.

Example Sentences

  1. La flexibilidad de los músculos es esencial para evitar lesiones.
    (The flexibility of the muscles is essential to avoid injuries.)

  2. Necesitamos más flexibilidad en nuestro horario de trabajo.
    (We need more flexibility in our work schedule.)

  3. La flexibilidad del material permite que se adapte a diferentes formas.
    (The flexibility of the material allows it to adapt to different shapes.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Flexibilidad" is commonly used in various idiomatic expressions that convey the idea of adaptability or openness to change. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Tener flexibilidad mental.
    (To have mental flexibility.)
  2. Signifies an ability to change one's thoughts or adapt to new ideas.
  3. "Para resolver problemas complejos, es importante tener flexibilidad mental."
    (To solve complex problems, it is important to have mental flexibility.)

  4. Flexibilidad en el trabajo.
    (Flexibility at work.)

  5. Refers to adjustable working conditions that can lead to better productivity.
  6. "La flexibilidad en el trabajo favorece el equilibrio entre la vida personal y profesional."
    (Flexibility at work favors the balance between personal and professional life.)

  7. Flexibilidad para adaptarse.
    (Flexibility to adapt.)

  8. Indicates the ability to adjust behavior or plans as circumstances change.
  9. "La flexibilidad para adaptarse a nuevas circunstancias es clave en el liderazgo."
    (Flexibility to adapt to new circumstances is key in leadership.)


The word "flexibilidad" derives from the Latin "flexibilitas," which comes from "flexibilis," meaning "able to be bent." The root "flectere" means "to bend." This etymological background contributes to its current meanings related to bending, adjusting, and adapting.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Elasticidad (Elasticity) - Adaptabilidad (Adaptability) - Plegabilidad (Pliability)

Antonyms: - Rigidez (Rigidity) - Inflexibilidad (Inflexibility) - Estrictez (Strictness)

This information about "flexibilidad" covers its uses in different contexts and includes idiomatic expressions, demonstrating its versatile application in the Spanish language.
