flojedad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

flojedad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:


Phonetic Transcription:


How the Word is Used:

"Flojedad" is a term used in Spanish to refer to the state of being lazy or lacking energy. It is mainly used in a negative context to describe someone who is unmotivated or unwilling to put effort into tasks. This word is more commonly used in written contexts than in oral speech.

Example Sentences:

  1. La flojedad de Juan le impide cumplir con sus responsabilidades.
  2. Translation: Juan's laziness prevents him from fulfilling his responsibilities.

  3. No confundas la flojedad con la necesidad de descansar.

  4. Translation: Don't confuse laziness with the need to rest.

Idiomatic Expressions:

  1. "Cargar con la flojedad": To put up with laziness.
  2. No soporto tener que cargar con la flojedad de mi compañero de trabajo.

    • Translation: I can't stand having to put up with the laziness of my coworker.
  3. "Echar flojedad": To slack off.

  4. No te pongas a echar flojedad, hay mucho por hacer.
    • Translation: Don't start slacking off, there's a lot to do.


The word "flojedad" derives from the adjective "flojo," which means lazy or lacking strength. The suffix "-edad" is added to indicate the state of being lazy or lacking energy.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: pereza, vagancia, holgazanería
Antonyms: diligencia, laboriosidad, esfuerzo