flor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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flor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /floɾ/

Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: "Flor" in Spanish means "flower." - Usage: This word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish. It is a frequent term, especially in the context of nature, gardening, decoration, and romantic gestures.

Verb Forms: - As "flor" is a noun, it doesn't have verb forms.

Examples: 1. Me regaló una flor preciosa. (He gave me a beautiful flower.) 2. Las flores del jardín están muy coloridas. (The flowers in the garden are very colorful.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Flor" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Some examples include: 1. Salir a pedir de boca: Literally, "to come out asking from the mouth." It means when something goes perfectly or smoothly. - Ese día todo salió a pedir de boca. (That day everything went perfectly.) 2. Estar en flor: To be in bloom or at the height of one's abilities. - Nuestro negocio está en flor en este momento. (Our business is thriving at the moment.) 3. De flor en flor: Moving from one thing to another, without commitment. - Ya sabes que él va de flor en flor, nunca está en una relación estable. (You know he goes from one thing to another; he's never in a stable relationship.)

Etymology: The word "flor" comes from the Latin word "flos," meaning "flower."

Synonyms: - Synonyms: floración (flourishing), florecimiento (blooming), ramillete (bouquet).

Antonyms: - Antonyms: marchito (wilted), marchar (to fade), espinoso (prickly).