forma de producción - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

forma de producción (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈforma de pro.dukˈθjon/


In Spanish: "Forma de producción" is a term commonly used in economics to refer to the method or system through which goods or services are produced.

This term is used in both oral and written contexts, especially in academic and professional settings related to economics. It is more commonly used in written texts, such as reports, studies, or articles.

Example Sentences

  1. La forma de producción en esa fábrica es altamente automatizada.
    (The method of production in that factory is highly automated.)

  2. Estamos analizando cuál es la forma de producción más eficiente para nuestra empresa.
    (We are analyzing what the most efficient method of production is for our company.)

  3. Una forma de producción colaborativa entre países puede beneficiar a ambas partes.
    (A collaborative production method between countries can benefit both parties.)

Idiomatic Expressions

In the context of economics, "forma de producción" is not typically part of common idiomatic expressions. However, in a broader context, here are some idiomatic expressions related to the word "forma":

  1. Estar en buena forma
    (To be in good shape)

  2. No tener forma
    (To be shapeless)

  3. Dar forma a algo
    (To shape something)

  4. Forma y fondo
    (Form and substance)

  5. Perder la forma
    (To lose form)

  6. Formar parte de algo
    (To be part of something)

  7. Deformar la realidad
    (To distort reality)


"Forma" comes from the Latin word "forma," which meant shape, form, or appearance. "Producción" comes from the Latin word "productio," which means production or creation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: Método de producción, sistema de producción, modalidad de producción
Antonyms: Forma de distribución, forma de consumo