formalizar un expediente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

formalizar un expediente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:

The user input "formalizar un expediente" is a verb + article + noun combination in Spanish.

Phonetic transcription:

formaliθaɾ un ekspeˈðjente

How the word is used:

"Formalizar un expediente" is a common phrase used in Spanish, both in oral and written contexts. It is often used in administrative or bureaucratic settings, referring to the process of making an official record or file complying with established procedures. It is used with a moderate frequency, more commonly in written documents or formal conversations.

Example sentences:

  1. Necesitamos formalizar un expediente para completar el trámite.
    (We need to formalize a file to complete the procedure.)

  2. Es importante formalizar el expediente lo antes posible.
    (It is important to formalize the file as soon as possible.)

Idiomatic Expressions:

In Spanish, "formalizar un expediente" is not part of a specific idiomatic expression. However, here are some examples of idiomatic expressions including the words "formalizar" and "expediente":

  1. Poner en regla un expediente:
    Literal translation: To put a file in order
    Meaning: To get everything in order or complete all necessary steps.

  2. Formalizar los trámites del expediente:
    Literal translation: Formalize the procedures of the file
    Meaning: To complete all the necessary administrative steps.


Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms for "formalizar": - Oficializar (officialize) - Ratificar (ratify) - Legalizar (legalize)

Antonyms for "formalizar": - Deshacer (undo) - Anular (cancel) - Invalidar (invalidate)