foto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

foto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription



The word "foto" is short for "fotografía," which translates to "photograph" in English. It is a commonly used term in Spanish to refer to a photograph. This word is used both in oral speech and written context with high frequency due to the widespread use of photography in daily life.

Verb Forms

"N/A" - The word "foto" is a noun and does not have applicable verb forms.


  1. ¿Me puedes enviar la foto del viaje? (Can you send me the photo of the trip?)
  2. Voy a imprimir todas las fotos del cumpleaños. (I'm going to print all the birthday photos.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "foto" is commonly used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish: 1. "Sacar una foto" - to take a photo - Example: Vamos a sacar una foto frente al monumento. (Let's take a photo in front of the monument.)

  1. "Echar una foto" - to snap a photo
  2. Example: ¡No te olvides de echar una foto a la puesta de sol! (Don't forget to snap a photo of the sunset!)

  3. "Mirar una foto" - to look at a photo

  4. Example: Siempre me emociono al mirar esta foto de familia. (I always get emotional when looking at this family photo.)

  5. "Guardar una foto" - to save a photo

  6. Example: Voy a guardar esta foto en mi álbum de recuerdos. (I'm going to save this photo in my scrapbook.)

  7. "Compartir una foto" - to share a photo

  8. Example: ¿Puedes compartir la foto del equipo en el grupo de WhatsApp? (Can you share the team photo in the WhatsApp group?)

  9. "Borrar una foto" - to delete a photo

  10. Example: Por error, borré la foto del concierto. ¡Qué desastre! (By mistake, I deleted the concert photo. What a disaster!)


The term "foto" comes from the English word "photo," which stems from the Greek word "phōtos," meaning "light" or "photograph."

Synonyms and Antonyms