fotoelectricidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

fotoelectricidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /fotoelektɾisiˈðað/

Translation options into English: photoelectricity

Meaning: Fotoelectricidad refers to the phenomenon in which light, or photons, are able to excite electrons, causing them to be emitted from a material.

Usage: The term "fotoelectricidad" is more commonly used in a written context, particularly in scientific or technical articles related to physics or engineering.

Example sentences: 1. La investigación de la fotoelectricidad fue fundamental para el desarrollo de la tecnología solar. (Studying photoelectricity was fundamental for the development of solar technology.) 2. Durante la conferencia, se discutieron las propiedades de la fotoelectricidad en materiales semiconductores. (During the conference, the properties of photoelectricity in semiconductor materials were discussed.)

Idiomatic Expressions: - Estar a la luz de la fotoelectricidad: To be fully aware of a situation or to have a clear understanding of something. - Juan está a la luz de la fotoelectricidad sobre lo que planea hacer. (Juan is fully aware of what he plans to do.)

Etymology: The word "fotoelectricidad" is formed by the fusion of "foto-" (from the Greek "phos," meaning light) and "electricidad" (electricity). It stems from the observation of the photoelectric effect, first described by Heinrich Hertz in 1887 and later explained by Albert Einstein in 1905.

Synonyms: electricidad solar (solar electricity), efecto fotoeléctrico (photoelectric effect)

Antonyms: -

This information provides a comprehensive view of the term fotoelectricidad within the polytechnical domain, covering its meaning, usage, examples, idiomatic expressions, etymology, synonyms, and antonyms.