fractura en bayoneta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

fractura en bayoneta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/fɾakˈtuɾa en baʝoˈneta/


The term "fractura en bayoneta" is used in the Spanish language within the medical field. It refers to a specific type of fracture where the bone is broken in a way that one fragment penetrates the other, resembling the shape of a bayonet. This term is more commonly found in written medical reports or discussions among healthcare professionals and is not as frequently used in everyday conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. El paciente fue diagnosticado con una fractura en bayoneta en su pierna izquierda. (The patient was diagnosed with a bayonet fracture in his left leg.)

  2. La fractura en bayoneta requiere una intervención quirúrgica urgente. (The bayonet fracture requires urgent surgical intervention.)

Idiomatic Expressions

In the context of healthcare, there are no specific idiomatic expressions related to "fractura en bayoneta" in Spanish.


The term "fractura en bayoneta" combines "fractura," which means fracture, with "bayoneta," which is bayonet in English. This name is derived from the way the bone looks after the fracture, resembling the shape of a bayonet.

Synonyms and Antonyms

By providing these details, you now have a comprehensive understanding of the term "fractura en bayoneta" in the Spanish medical domain. Let me know if you need more information or clarification.