frenar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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frenar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Frenar" is a transitive and intransitive verb that primarily means to "brake" or "to stop." It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to driving, mechanics, or figuratively in situations involving stopping an action or process.

The frequency of use is moderate; it is well-known and understood, especially among speakers familiar with driving and vehicular contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante frenar antes de llegar al semáforo.
  2. It is important to brake before reaching the traffic light.

  3. Tienes que frenar si ves un animal en la carretera.

  4. You have to stop if you see an animal on the road.

  5. La lluvia hizo que el coche frenara más lento de lo habitual.

  6. The rain caused the car to brake more slowly than usual.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Frenar" can be included in several idiomatic expressions, which highlight its usage beyond the literal meaning.

  1. Frenar en seco
  2. Translation: To stop suddenly.
  3. Example: El autobús tuvo que frenar en seco para evitar el choque.

    • The bus had to stop suddenly to avoid the collision.
  4. Frenar el ímpetu

  5. Translation: To curb one’s enthusiasm.
  6. Example: A veces es necesario frenar el ímpetu para tomar decisiones más sensatas.

    • Sometimes it's necessary to curb enthusiasm to make wiser decisions.
  7. Frenar un impulso

  8. Translation: To stop an impulse.
  9. Example: Debes aprender a frenar un impulso antes de actuar.
    • You should learn to stop an impulse before acting.


The verb "frenar" comes from the sustantive "freno," which means "brake," derived from the Latin "frenum," meaning "bridle" or "reins." The use signifies concepts of restraint and control.

Synonyms and Antonyms
