fse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

fse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


How the word is used

The word "FSE" is an acronym commonly used in the field of medicine, specifically in radiology. It stands for "Fast Spin Echo," which is a type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequence used to create detailed images of the anatomy.

In the Spanish language, "FSE" is mostly used in written contexts, especially in medical reports and discussions but may be less common in oral speech due to its specialized nature.

Example sentences

  1. La secuencia FSE es útil para obtener imágenes de alta resolución en resonancias magnéticas. (The FSE sequence is useful for obtaining high-resolution images in magnetic resonance imaging.)
  2. El radiólogo recomendó una resonancia magnética con secuencia FSE para un diagnóstico más preciso. (The radiologist recommended a magnetic resonance imaging with FSE sequence for a more precise diagnosis.)

Idiomatic expressions

No idiomatic expressions found with "FSE" in Spanish.


The acronym "FSE" stands for "Fast Spin Echo," which refers to a specific MRI pulse sequence technique that quickly generates detailed images by using echoes created by the interaction of radiofrequency pulses with magnetic fields.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Secuencia de Eco de Espín Rápido (Spanish equivalent)

- No antonyms found for "FSE" in this context.