fuerte - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

fuerte (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Adjective

Phonetic transcription: /ˈfweɾ.te/

Meanings: 1. Strong, powerful, sturdy. 2. Loud.

Usage patterns: The word "fuerte" is a common adjective in Spanish. It is used frequently in both oral and written contexts. It is widely utilized to describe physical strength, power, or volume, as well as in various idiomatic expressions.

Verb forms: N/A

Gerund: N/A

Examples: 1. Ese edificio es muy fuerte. (That building is very strong.) 2. Habla más fuerte, no te escucho. (Speak louder, I can't hear you.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Fuerte" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples: 1. Tomar algo fuerte: To have a strong drink. 2. Ser fuerte como un roble: To be as strong as an oak tree. 3. Estar fuerte: To be in good physical shape. 4. El amor es más fuerte: Love is stronger. 5. Tocar fondo para salir más fuerte: Hit rock bottom to come out stronger. 6. Hablar fuerte y claro: Speak loudly and clearly. 7. Más fuerte que el acero: Stronger than steel. 8. Luchar fuerte: Fight hard.

Etymology: The word "fuerte" comes from the Latin word "fortis," meaning strong or powerful.

Synonyms: - Robusto (Robust) - Poderoso (Powerful) - Intenso (Intense)

Antonyms: - Débil (Weak) - Suave (Soft) - Blando (Gentle)