fuerza propulsora - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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fuerza propulsora (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription

/fweɾθa pɾopulsoɾa/

Translation options


"Fuerza propulsora" refers to the force that propels or drives something forward. In the context of polytechnical terminology, it is commonly used in reference to the force that drives a machine, vehicle, or system forward.

This term is more commonly used in written contexts, such as technical manuals, engineering reports, and academic papers.


  1. El motor eléctrico proporciona la fuerza propulsora necesaria para mover el barco.
  2. The electric motor provides the necessary propelling force to move the boat.

  3. La fuerza propulsora de este cohete es suficiente para llevar carga al espacio.

  4. The driving force of this rocket is enough to carry cargo into space.

Idiomatic expressions

"Fuerza propulsora" is not commonly used in Spanish idiomatic expressions.


Synonyms and Antonyms