fungible - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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fungible (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "fungible" refers to goods or resources that can be exchanged or substituted for one another with no loss of value. It is commonly used in legal, economic, and financial contexts to describe properties of assets. The frequency of use is higher in written contexts, especially in legal documents, contracts, and academic texts, where precision is essential.

Example Sentences

  1. Los bienes fungibles pueden ser intercambiados sin que se afecte su valor.
    Fungible assets can be exchanged without affecting their value.

  2. En el contrato se indica que los productos son fungibles y pueden ser reemplazados por otros.
    The contract states that the products are fungible and can be replaced by others.

  3. El dinero es un ejemplo clásico de un activo fungible.
    Money is a classic example of a fungible asset.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "fungible" is a technical term and does not have many idiomatic expressions in common usage, it can appear in legal jargon or phrases that clarify its meaning or implications.

Example Sentences with Context

  1. En el caso de activos fungibles, la equivalencia de valor es crucial.
    In the case of fungible assets, the equivalence of value is crucial.

  2. La ley establece que los bienes fungibles deben ser descritos en términos claros.
    The law states that fungible goods must be described in clear terms.

  3. La pérdida de un bien fungible no afecta al valor total del patrimonio.
    The loss of a fungible asset does not affect the total value of the estate.


The term "fungible" derives from the Latin word "fungibilis," which means "that can be performed or substituted." This is related to the verb "fungi," which means "to perform" or "to function."

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "fungible" is a term primarily used in legal and economic discourse to signify the interchangeability of certain assets without loss of value, and may be utilized in detailed explanations of legal contracts and asset management.
