fusión de procedimientos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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fusión de procedimientos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic transcription

Translation options


"Fusión de procedimientos" refers to the process of merging or combining two or more procedures, usually within a legal context. This term is commonly used in legal and administrative settings to describe the consolidation of different processes or steps.

This term is more commonly used in written contexts, such as legal documents, regulations, and administrative procedures.

Example sentences:

  1. La fusión de procedimientos agilizó el proceso y redujo la burocracia. (The fusion of procedures streamlined the process and reduced bureaucracy.)
  2. Se está evaluando la posibilidad de llevar a cabo una fusión de procedimientos para optimizar los recursos. (The possibility of carrying out a fusion of procedures to optimize resources is being evaluated.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Fusión de procedimientos" is not typically part of standard idiomatic expressions in Spanish, but it is often used in the context of administrative and legal language. However, if we consider idiomatic expressions related to the term "fusión," we can find:

  1. Fusión de culturas: Fusion of cultures, used to describe the mixing or blending of different cultures.
  2. Fusión de sabores: Fusion of flavors, used to describe a blend of different culinary tastes.
  3. Fusión musical: Musical fusion, referring to the combination of musical styles or genres.

Examples of idiomatic expressions with "fusión":

  1. La fusión de culturas en esta ciudad ha creado una comunidad diversa. (The fusion of cultures in this city has created a diverse community.)
  2. Este restaurante es conocido por su exquisita fusión de sabores. (This restaurant is known for its exquisite fusion of flavors.)
  3. El concierto fue un éxito gracias a la increíble fusión musical de los artistas. (The concert was a success thanks to the incredible musical fusion of the artists.)


The word "fusión" comes from the Latin "fusionem," which means a pouring out. It entered the Spanish language through the Old French word "fusion."

Synonyms and Antonyms