fusionar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

fusionar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Translation options into English:


"Fusionar" is a verb in Spanish that means to combine, blend, or merge two or more things into one. It is commonly used in contexts where different elements or entities are coming together to form a unified whole. "Fusionar" is a regular -ar verb.


The word "fusionar" is used in both oral and written Spanish. It is a common term in legal documents, technical manuals, and general conversations. It is more formal than some other verbs with similar meanings like "mezclar" (to mix).

Example sentences:

  1. Las empresas decidieron fusionar sus recursos para ampliar su alcance internacional.
  2. The companies decided to merge their resources to expand their international reach.

  3. El chef decidió fusionar la cocina tradicional con técnicas modernas.

  4. The chef decided to blend traditional cooking with modern techniques.

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Fusionar" is not part of a specific idiomatic expression in Spanish.


The word "fusionar" comes from the Latin "fusionare," which means "to melt, blend, or merge."

