The word "gasto" is a noun.
In the Spanish language, "gasto" refers to the action of spending or the amount of money spent on something. It is commonly used in financial contexts to denote various types of expenses, whether personal, corporate, or governmental.
Frequency of Use: "Gasto" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to finance, budgeting, and economics.
El gasto mensual de la familia ha aumentado este año.
(The monthly expense of the family has increased this year.)
Es importante controlar el gasto para evitar deudas.
(It is important to manage expenses to avoid debts.)
El gobierno anunció un recorte en el gasto público.
(The government announced a cut in public expenditure.)
While "gasto" itself may not be featured prominently in idiomatic expressions, it can be part of broader phrases related to finance and expense management.
A toda costa (At all costs) - "Decidí comprar el coche a toda costa, sin considerar el gasto."
(I decided to buy the car at all costs, without considering the expense.)
Gastar a manos llenas (Spend lavishly) - "Durante las vacaciones, él suele gastar a manos llenas."
(During the holidays, he tends to spend lavishly.)
No escatimar gastos (Not to spare expenses) - "En la boda no vamos a escatimar gastos; queremos que sea perfecta."
(For the wedding, we are not going to spare expenses; we want it to be perfect.)
Ajustar el gasto (Adjust the expense) - "Necesitamos ajustar el gasto si queremos ahorrar para unas vacaciones."
(We need to adjust the expenses if we want to save for a vacation.)
The word "gasto" comes from the Latin "expendĕre," which means to spend or to expend. It evolved into the Spanish "gastar," which retains the meaning of spending.
Synonyms: - Desembolso (disbursement) - Desgaste (wear and tear in a broader sense) - Costo (cost)
Antonyms: - Ahorro (savings) - Ingreso (income) - Ganancia (profit)