gasto nacional - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

gasto nacional (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈɡasto nasjoˈnal/

Translation options into English

  1. National spending
  2. National expenditure


The phrase "gasto nacional" refers to the total spending or expenditure within a nation's economy. It is commonly used in economics to describe the sum of all expenditures made within a country. This term is used more in written contexts, particularly in economic reports and analyses.


  1. El gasto nacional en educación ha aumentado en los últimos años. Translation: National spending on education has increased in recent years.

  2. Es importante controlar el gasto nacional para mantener la estabilidad económica. Translation: It is important to control national expenditure to maintain economic stability.

Idiomatic Expressions


Synonyms and Antonyms