gato - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

gato (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: - International Phonetic Alphabet: /ˈɡato/ - Phonetic Transcription (English): GAH-toh

Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: "gato" in Spanish refers to a male cat. - Usage Patterns: This word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish. It is a frequently used term to refer to male cats.

Verb Forms: - "Gato" is not a verb in Spanish, so it does not have different forms for verb tenses.

Examples: 1. Tengo un gato negro. (I have a black cat.) 2. El gato está durmiendo en la ventana. (The cat is sleeping on the window.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Gato" is an essential part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples: 1. "Gato encerrado" (Literal: "A locked cat" / Meaning: "Something suspicious is going on"). - No me dijo la verdad, aquí hay gato encerrado. (He didn't tell me the truth, something suspicious is going on here.)

  1. "Estar para el gato" (Literal: "To be for the cat" / Meaning: "To be pointless or a waste of time").
  2. Este trabajo está para el gato, no tiene sentido. (This job is pointless, it doesn't make sense.)

  3. "Dar gato por liebre" (Literal: "To give cat for a hare" / Meaning: "To deceive or cheat someone").

  4. Esa tienda me dio gato por liebre vendiéndome productos defectuosos. (That store cheated me by selling me defective products.)

  5. "Andar como el gato y el ratón" (Literal: "To go like the cat and the mouse" / Meaning: "To engage in a cat-and-mouse game").

  6. Llevan semanas andando como el gato y el ratón, sin llegar a un acuerdo. (They have been playing a cat-and-mouse game for weeks, without reaching an agreement.)

Etymology: The word "gato" comes from the Latin word "cattus," which also gives rise to the English word "cat."

Synonyms: - Synonyms: felino, minino, micho.

Antonyms: - Antonyms: perra, perro (female dog, dog).

Note: The Spanish word "gato" is used exclusively for male cats. Female cats are referred to as "gata."