Genuino is an adjective in Spanish.
Genuino refers to something that is original, authentic, or not fake. It is used to describe objects, emotions, behaviors, or relationships that have a sense of authenticity or true nature. In legal contexts, it might relate to genuine signatures or agreements.
The frequency of use is moderate; it is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more frequently in written texts, especially in legal or formal documents.
La firma en el contrato es genuina.
The signature on the contract is genuine.
Este vino es genuino y proviene de una bodega tradicional.
This wine is genuine and comes from a traditional winery.
Sus sentimientos por ella son genuinos.
His feelings for her are genuine.
Genuino can be part of various idiomatic expressions, though it is less common as a standalone in idiomatic phrases. Nevertheless, it can appear in contexts emphasizing authenticity and sincerity.
Ser auténtico y genuino.
To be authentic and genuine.
Esta persona siempre es auténtica y genuina en sus palabras.
(This person is always authentic and genuine in their words.)
Genuino interés.
Genuine interest.
Ella mostró un genuino interés por aprender sobre la cultura.
(She showed a genuine interest in learning about the culture.)
Genuina amistad.
Genuine friendship.
Su relación es una genuina amistad que ha durado muchos años.
(Their relationship is a genuine friendship that has lasted many years.)
Genuino respeto.
Genuine respect.
El genuino respeto entre ellos fue evidente en la discusión.
(The genuine respect between them was evident in the discussion.)
The word genuino comes from the Latin genuinus, which means "innate" or "natural." It is derived from genus, referring to birth or origin, indicating a quality of being true to one’s origins or nature.
Synonyms: - Auténtico - Real - Verdadero
Antonyms: - Falso - Imitativo - Engañoso