ginger-ale - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ginger-ale (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation


Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: - IPA: /ˈd͡ʒɪn.dʒər eɪl/ - English phonetic transcription: jin-jer eyl

Meanings and Usage: "Ginger-ale" refers to a carbonated soft drink flavored with ginger. It is used as a beverage to be consumed on its own or as a mixer in various cocktails. The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts.

Verb Forms: As "ginger-ale" is a noun, there are no applicable verb forms or tenses for this word.

Examples: 1. Me encanta la combinación de vodka y ginger-ale en mi cóctel favorito. (I love the combination of vodka and ginger-ale in my favorite cocktail.) 2. ¿Quieres un poco de ginger-ale para mezclar con tu whisky? (Do you want some ginger-ale to mix with your whisky?)

Idiomatic Expressions: There are no specific idiomatic expressions in Spanish that include the term "ginger-ale."

Etymology: The word "ginger-ale" originated in the 19th century from a combination of "ginger," derived from Old English "gingifer," and "ale," referring to a type of beer.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: 1. Soda de jengibre (Ginger soda) 2. Gaseosa de jengibre (Ginger carbonated drink)

Antonyms: 1. Limonada (Lemonade) 2. Refresco de cola (Cola soda)