grabar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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grabar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Grabar is a verb in the infinitive form.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Grabar has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Generally, it means to capture sound or images in a way that can be replayed later, as in 'recording a video or audio'. It can also refer to the act of engraving or markmaking, especially on a surface.

It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. The frequency of use can vary, but it is generally considered a frequent term due to its relevance in technology (recording devices) and arts (engraving).

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a grabar un video para mi canal de YouTube.
    I'm going to record a video for my YouTube channel.

  2. El artista grabó su firma en la obra.
    The artist engraved his signature on the artwork.

  3. Necesito grabar esta reunión para revisarla después.
    I need to record this meeting to review it later.

Idiomatic Expressions

Grabar is also part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Grabar a fuego
    Meaning: To engrave something deeply in memory.
    Esta lección se grabará a fuego en mi mente.
    This lesson will be engraved in my mind.

  2. Grabar en piedra
    Meaning: To make something permanent or unchangeable.
    Las promesas deben ser grabadas en piedra.
    Promises must be set in stone.

  3. Grabar (algo) en la mente
    Meaning: To impress something firmly in someone's memory.
    Debo grabar esta información en mi mente antes del examen.
    I need to etch this information in my mind before the exam.

  4. Grabar un CD
    Meaning: To make a CD (commonly used in music and audio contexts).
    Voy a grabar un CD con mis canciones favoritas.
    I'm going to burn a CD with my favorite songs.

Example Sentences for Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Esa fecha está grabada a fuego en mi corazón.
    That date is engraved in fire in my heart.

  2. Las reglas de la casa están grabadas en piedra.
    The house rules are set in stone.

  3. Necesito grabar esta receta en mi mente para no olvidarla.
    I need to imprint this recipe in my mind so I won't forget it.


The word grabar comes from Latin grābāre, which is derived from grābus, meaning 'to scratch' or 'to engrave'. Over time, its meaning has evolved to encompass recording in a more modern sense.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Registrar (to register) - Inscribir (to inscribe) - Archivar (to archive)

Antonyms: - Borrar (to erase) - Suprimir (to suppress) - Descartar (to discard)
