grada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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grada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "grada" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "grada" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈɡɾa.ða/.

Translation Options into English

"Grada" can be translated into English as: - Tier - Step - Platform - Bleacher

Meaning and Usage

"Grada" refers to a tiered structure or sitting arrangement often found in venues such as stadiums, theaters, or auditoriums where spectators can sit. In agriculture, it refers to a step-like elevation. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish.

Frequency: The word is moderately frequent and is often encountered in discussions related to sports, events, and architecture. It is used in both oral and written forms but may be more prevalent in written contexts, especially in formal texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Las gradas estaban llenas de aficionados durante el partido.
  2. The bleachers were full of fans during the game.

  3. Los artistas se presentaron en la grada central del teatro.

  4. The artists performed on the central platform of the theater.

  5. La construcción de la grada permite que todos los espectadores tengan una buena vista.

  6. The construction of the tier allows all spectators to have a good view.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "grada" is not a common component of idiomatic expressions, it may occasionally appear in phrases associated with sports or attendance at events.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Estar en la grada"
  2. Estar en la grada significa no participar activamente en un evento, sino ser un espectador.
  3. Being in the bleachers means not to actively participate in an event but to be a spectator.

  4. "Bajar de la grada"

  5. A veces, es mejor bajar de la grada para involucrarse en la situación en lugar de solo observar.
  6. Sometimes it is better to get off the bleachers to get involved in the situation instead of just watching.

  7. "Gente en la grada"

  8. La gente en la grada aplaudía entusiastamente tras la actuación.
  9. The people in the stands were enthusiastically applauding after the performance.


The term "grada" originates from the Latin word "gradus," meaning "step" or "degree." The evolution of the word reflects a transition from physical steps to tiered seating.

Synonyms and Antonyms
