The word "gratificar" is a verb.
"Gratificar" in Spanish means to give pleasure or satisfaction to someone through actions, gifts, or awards. It is often used in contexts where someone's wishes or desires are fulfilled, leading to a sense of joy or contentment. The word is commonly used in both oral and written speech, though its frequency is more pronounced in written contexts, especially in formal or literary language.
Example Sentences:
1. La familia decidió gratificar al maestro por su dedicación.
The family decided to gratify the teacher for his dedication.
"Gratificar" does not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, it can be used in various contexts that illustrate its meaning.
Example Sentences with Related Context:
1. Siempre es bueno gratificar a quienes nos ayudan.
It's always good to gratify those who help us.
El arte puede gratificar el alma de muchas maneras.
Art can gratify the soul in many ways.
Recibir una carta de agradecimiento puede gratificar a cualquiera.
Receiving a thank-you letter can gratify anyone.
The word "gratificar" comes from the Latin root "gratificare," which is formed from "gratum," meaning "pleasing" or "thankful," and "facere," which means "to make" or "to do." Therefore, "gratificar" essentially means "to make pleasing."
Synonyms: - Satisfacer (to satisfy) - Contentar (to content) - Complacerse (to please)
Antonyms: - Desagradar (to displease) - Insatisfacer (to dissatisfy) - Frustrar (to frustrate)