Gravamen is a noun.
In Spanish, "gravamen" primarily refers to a burden, responsibility, or encumbrance, often in contexts related to law, property, or finance. It can denote a legal claim or liability attached to a property, such as a mortgage or tax. The term is more commonly found in formal or legal discourse, making it more frequent in written contexts than in casual conversation.
El gravamen de la hipoteca puede ser un obstáculo para la compra de una casa.
The burden of the mortgage can be an obstacle to purchasing a house.
El gravamen que pesa sobre la herencia es considerable.
The charge on the inheritance is considerable.
Es importante conocer el gravamen que se puede aplicar a la propiedad antes de adquirirla.
It is essential to know the encumbrance that can be applied to the property before acquiring it.
"Gravamen" is also found in various idiomatic expressions, emphasizing its role as a term reflecting responsibility or burden.
Asumir el gravamen: Esta empresa tuvo que asumir el gravamen de múltiples deudas.
This company had to assume the burden of multiple debts.
El gravamen del pasado: Siempre lleva consigo el gravamen del pasado.
He always carries the burden of the past with him.
Gravamen fiscal: Muchos ciudadanos sienten que el gravamen fiscal es excesivo.
Many citizens feel that the tax burden is excessive.
Gravamen de responsabilidad: Cada proyecto tiene su propio gravamen de responsabilidad que los líderes deben gestionar.
Each project has its own burden of responsibility that leaders must manage.
Gravamen de pruebas: En este juicio, el gravamen de pruebas recae en el demandante.
In this trial, the burden of proof falls on the plaintiff.
The term "gravamen" comes from the Latin word gravamen, which means "burden" or "weight." This Latin root is derived from "gravo," meaning "to weigh down or burden." The use of the term has been retained into modern Spanish, particularly in legal and economic contexts.
Synonyms: - Carga - Peso - Obligación - Impuesto
Antonyms: - Alivio - Exoneración - Desgravación
In summary, "gravamen" carries significant weight in legal and economic discussions, often representing burdensome obligations or encumbrances that individuals or entities must navigate.